Friday, November 30, 2007

Hung out to dry

Tomorrow night if you're about:



Looking forward to it!

Some recent tour snaps:
Athens gig

Thanks to the lovely Nikos for looking after me so well (plus he has a cat called Coki - how cool is that?) I met some great people over there...

White Heat:
Fantastic photo by:

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

...and I love wales

IMG_2438_2_XTR copy, originally uploaded by Sŵn Festival.

and I must say thank you to all at the fantastic Swn festival - it has to be one of my favourite ever shows, whole weekend was a blast in fact (thanks Carl + naomi for putting up with me again!)

"the day I went to soho..."

White heat, originally uploaded by Basss clefff.

tonight tonight

really looking forward to catching Afrikan boy too

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