Sunday, March 25, 2007

a studio and colour

studio march 2007

a small place to be;

studio march 2007

somewhere for the beats, and the bass, and all that, to surface and pause, coagulate and coalesce, slow and blur, quick broken funk and brazen chaos;

studio march 2007
studio march 2007

…or something.
If only it were soundproof too,

studio march 2007

fairylightlit: music, joy.

studio march 2007


Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Just a warm-up for a hopeful return....
This one's a bit of an old school Big Ting aftershow classic, by way of thee mighty Darren, for that point in the night where things start to get really wierd.

  • Thomas Brinkmann '0100'
  • Don't think the album's in press any more, but you can find plenty of other goodness here


  • Monday, March 05, 2007

    my absence


    Had The Blue Screen of Death on my computer - many lost files, music, pictures.
    Never mind, new stuff soon to come.
    Hope you are all well and happy.


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